The Best New-Gen Anime Fans Shouldn't Miss

New-Gen Anime jujutsu kaisen
Credit: MAPPA

New-Gen Anime jujutsu kaisen
Credit: MAPPA

If you're looking to catch up with contemporary titles that are shaping the new generation of fans, we have compiled a list of the best new-gen anime across all genres.

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  1. Chainsaw Man

    Gone are the times when all shounen anime protagonists were pillars of goodness and selflessness.

    Chainsaw Man follows Denji, a teenager who lives in poverty with his pet Pochita, a chainsaw devil.

    When a tragic event forces him to merge with Pochita, he becomes the titular Chainsaw Man and embarks on a brutal journey, full of betrayal.

    Based on a manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto, Chainsaw Man was popular before the anime started. Its dark humor and imperfect but relatable main characters make it a staple of new-gen anime.

  2. Jujutsu Kaisen

    Compared to the explosive and controversial Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen is a more straightforward shounen anime but it's still part of the dark trio that is shaping a new shounen generation.

    While most of its characters are pretty heroic, JJK doesn't hesitate to venture into dark territory, nor does it shy away from killing off main characters without much warning.

  3. Attack on Titan

    Spanning over a decade, it is no understatement to say that Attack on Titan shaped the tastes of a generation of anime fans.

    Its brutal but deeply moving story about humanity's indomitable spirit hooked thousands of fans.

    Attack on Titan has set the bar high where thrilling action scenes, thoughtful worldbuilding, and shocking plot twists are concerned. We expect to see at least a few spiritual successors in the years to come.

    Discover: The Ultimate Attack on Titan Watch Order

  4. The Apothecary Diaries

    The Apothecary Diaries Jinshi and Maomao Kiss

    One thing to note about new-gen anime is that few of them are shoujo. Thankfully, anime like The Apothecary Diaries utilize shoujo tropes in new contexts, coming up with even more exciting ideas.

    The Apothecary Diaries features stunningly beautiful animation in an imperial court setting.

    It follows Maomao, an adorable, smart, and very grumpy heroine who proves that medicines and poisons can be just as gripping as battle tactics.

  5. Kaguya-sama: Love Is War

    With conventional school romance anime being slightly overdone, fans appreciate love stories with an edgy twist.

    Kaguya-sama: Love Is War manages to stand out in an oversaturated market of stories with love interests who fail to confess their feelings for entire seasons.

    The mind games between the two love interests make the anime hilarious, while side characters like Chika Fujiwara are recognizable in anime communities due to their charm.

  6. Skip and Loafer

    Skip and Loafer is recent another school anime that reshapes the subgenre, with fresh characters that almost feel like people you could meet in real life.

    While slice of life anime are by no means a new trend, Skip and Loafer is one of the best we've seen in the past few years, and we expect it to endure the test of time.

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  7. Spy x Family

    Spy x Family is a funny and adorable story about an unconventional family that includes a spy, an assassin, and a mind-reading adopted child.

    Fans have fallen in love with Anya Forger and with the anime's overall wholesome and exciting atmosphere.

    Right now, it's hard to think of similar titles, but Spy x Family is another anime we expect to inspire and influence new creators.

  8. Oshi no Ko

    Oshi no Ko is a one-of-its-kind show that leans into isekai tropes only to become something else entirely.

    The anime has been praised for its art style, music, and brutally honest commentary on the entertainment industry that commodifies young people, especially girls and women.

    While it is framed as a revenge plot, the social commentary is arguably the anime's strongest suit, proving that new-gen anime can make us think about real-life problems.

  9. Wonder Egg Priority

    Each anime generation seems to have its own highly symbolic, obscure, and confusing anime that keeps fans guessing long after it ends.

    Think of Madoka Magika, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Serial Experiments Lain, and Mawaru Penguindrum, for instance.

    For the newest generation of fans, Wonder Egg Priority is this anime.

    Its themes about school bullying, female friendship, and mental health will resonate with many viewers, even if it isn't always easy to understand its deeper meaning.

  10. Made in Abyss

    The sheer number of beloved new-gen anime that conceal dark themes and horrors behind a cute art style shows that the trend isn't going away any time soon.

    Made in Abyss epitomizes this new-gen trope, with young Riko and her robot friend Reg encountering horrible secrets on their quest to find Riko's mother in the titular Abyss.

    Discover: The Best Made in Abyss Watch Order Including Series & Movies

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