Minecraft Movie Progresses With Wonder Woman Script Writer

If there's any videogame-turned-movie attempt that could be deemed important to entire generations, it has to be Minecraft. When developer Mojang and Warner Bros. announced the project, fans understandably went wild.

The only thing known so far since it was announced four months was that it will be released on May 24, 2019. Also, it can be viewed via 3D or IMAX. And that it was going to be an awesome movie.

But now, Variety has announced that the script for the movie will be from none other than Wonder Woman movie scriptwriter Jason Fuchs. Interestingly, the draft has changed hands, as it was previously under the supervision of Jon Spaihts, known for his work in Doctor Strange.

It should be noted that Fuchs is also in the process of writing the Lobo movie, which has been in development since way back in 2009. No other details about the Minecraft movie has been released.

I find it interesting that both writers who have already worked on the script's drafts are connected to superhero movies. That's not to say that Fuchs' and Spaihts' works are only tagged to the superhero gig.

But I do wonder if there's a connection somewhere in between. After all, Minecraft as a videogame sees players controlling a hero who will be battling against monsters, Enders, creepers, witches, zombies, and slimes.

There's also Telltale's Minecraft Story Mode, which features Jesse as a hero dependent on player's choice. He could be a pure hearted hero, The Chosen One, a leader, and a zero to hero type. I wouldn't mind seeing that storyline in the big screen.

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