Magic: The Gathering's New Planeswalker Redirection Rule Change Revealed

Remember when you can redirect damage from a source that targets a player to a Planeswalker card? Some Magic players were confused about that rule, especially with cards like Leyline of Sanctity.

When a fna asked about the rule change, Mark Rosewater, the lead designer of Magic: The Gathering, has provided an explanation on his Blogatog:

"Starting soon, we are taking away the Planeswalker redirection rule and will instead tell you on the card specifically whether the card can target planeswalkers. All of the old relevant cards will have "player" changed to "player or planeswalker"

With the new rule change, it looks like you won't be able to protect a Planeswalker with Leyline of Sanctity. However, this might confuse some new players when they use old cards like Lightning Bolt since they might not know that you can target a Planeswalker with it.

What do you think about this rule change? Share your thoughts in the comments section below or feel free to discuss it in our Magic fan group on Facebook.

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