Magic: The Gathering Head Dev Talks Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Creation

Plants vs. Zombies can already be considered a franchise that has branched out (forgive the pun) in many different areas. What started as a PC game has landed on mobile and consoles, with varying titles, sequels, and mechanics.

Now, Electronic Arts and PopCap has released a new mobile game, this time dabbling in the realm of card games.

Previous Magic: The Gathering head developer and current PopCop Creative Director Devin Low spoke with DualShockers to discuss how they went about in creating Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. In a platform where mobile card games are a dime a dozen, with big hit names already in the market, Low touched on the importance of decisions when it comes to card games.

"It's important to us to not only make it really accessible to a wider audience, but also to have the same strategy and depth that those other games out there have. We want to be a game that has really compelling decisions like a Hearthstone, like a Magic [The Gathering], like other digital card games out there, and we don't want to remove that strategy and depth in order to be more accessible."

If there was one area in the card gaming arena that Plants vs. Zombies Heroes will thrive, it's in the unique mechanic of playing either in the plants' or the zombies' side.

"The plants are very defensive; they have lots of different rows of guys working together and the zombies kind of attack more as a horde. They have a lot of unexpected things that they throw at you. And so in Plants vs. Zombie Heroes, we really wanted to mirror that asymmetry. So in the game, one person is always plants, one person is always zombies and the two sides are not symmetrical at all. They have very different things that they use."

This also means that players will be given two major arcs to play, either on the defensive or the offensive side. And the developer is encouraging players to try both sides, even providing quests to try out different characters per side.

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is already available on mobile. You can catch the launch trailer, seen below.

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