Magic: The Gathering Card Thieves Caught in Bremerton Sting

Two suspects who stole expensive Magic: The Gathering cards from a store in Bremerton, Washington have been caught in a sting that a couple of gaming stores pulled off.

At the end of last August, two people worked together to steal nearly $16,000 worth of MTG cards from Discordia Games, according to Bremerton police.

KIRO 7 reported a cellphone video showing a Bremerton store manager confronting and running after a suspected thief in a sting operation to recover nearly $16,000 worth of MTG cards. Surveillance video from Discordia Games showed two people teaming-up to steal a stack of more than 50 pricey MTG cards, police said.

Discordia Games manager Jason Rouse said that he immediately contacted police, and warned other game shops that the suspects may visit the stores to sell the cards, and they worked with investigators to set up a sting.

"They're targeted because they're easy, quick cash," Rouse told KIRO7.

Blue Sky Hobbies and Game Wizard set up a sting when someone called up about selling some MTG cards, and police arrested the suspects.

"The manager and one of their employees set the trap and said, ‘yes come on down,'" Rouse said, who confronted the suspects after waiting in the basement of the store.

According to Bremerton police, they caught one of the susprects, who confessed about the theft. They said that the woman agreed to cooperate with investigators by texting the other suspect who escaped.

"She told him, ‘all is clear, come get me,'" Rouse said. "He showed up and they caught him."

The police said that the man also confessed to stealing the expensive MTG cards, and investigators recovered and returned the remaining cards that they hid in a bush.

Related: Another Big MTG Tournament Just Changed From Standard Format to Pioneer

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Magic: the Gathering