Lena Headey Says Cersei-Jaime Relationship Will Hit A New "Weird Level" in Game of Thrones Season 6

(Helen Sloan/HBO)

Jaime and Cersei's Lannister's relationship is about to hit an "all-time weird level" in the sixth season of Game of Thrones.

In an issue of Entertainment Weekly, Lena Headey teases her character's arc in the upcoming season.

"It's probably her most interesting season," says Headey "She really has nothing to lose and she has everything to gain from a horrible position she finds herself in."

Last season, we saw Cersei go through the punishing Walk of Shame, and now released back to the Red Keep, she reunites with Jaime, who failed miserably in his mission to take back their daughter Myrcella (Nell Tiger Free) alive. But Cersei wants Jaime's help to defeat the Faith Militant in King's Landing. "Her relationship with Jaime is at an all-time weird level," says Headey, who then adds about the new episodes: "It's juicy, and it's so f–king dark."

How could their relationship get any weirder? I think part of why Season 6 is going to be the most exciting season yet is that even book readers don't know what to expect.

Game of Thrones Season 6 will premiere on April 24.

Read: Game of Thrones Season 6 Will Feature The Biggest Battle in TV History

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