Kevin Smith Defends Chris Pratt ‘Praying’ for Him after Backlash

After news broke out that Kevin Smith suffered a heart attack, Chris Pratt took to Twitter to say that he was ‘praying' for him, which lead to a lot of (surprising) backlash from people, bashing on the merits of prayers.

Kevin Smith had hosted a Facebook live session to address all this backlash going to Pratt, saying:

"Poor Chris Pratt, one of my favorite actors on the planet, f-cking put up a nice tweet, saying, ‘Hey man, I don't know you that much, but I love Clerks and I'm praying for you,' and, apparently, some people were like, ‘F-ck your prayers,' and attacked him and sh-t. And then [Guardians of the Galaxy director] James Gunn had to jump in and be like, ‘Ain't nothing wrong with praying for a person, man.'"

Number one, oh my God, thank you to Chris Pratt. How sweet was that? Star-Lord praying for me. But number two, yeah, please don't fight over stuff like that. It's a waste of time. Prayer, whether you're religious or not, somebody saying, ‘I'll pray for you,' it's good-intentioned, it's very nice. Especially because it's not like Chris Pratt was like, ‘Move over, I'm going to reach my hands over into his chest and save him, save f-cking Silent Bob's life myself.'"

Religion is such a sensitive topic, and there are bound to be people online who are for and against it; sadly, we can't do anything if some people choose to act like complete asses when it comes to religion. One thing's for sure, Chris Pratt's comment was filled with nothing but good intentions, and these people who commented against him could use some manners.

For now, Smith is recovering from his heart attack, and he has been receiving nothing but nice comments from everyone online. I'm just here crossing my fingers that he doesn't die before he gets to direct a movie for DC or Marvel.

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