Kevin Feige Confirms Spider-Man Won't Be In The Venom Movie

Sony has currently given Marvel the wheel when it comes to steering their Spider-Man franchise in the right direction, and you can bet that Marvel president Kevin Feige has a say when it comes to Peter Parker showing up in future movies. With the Venom movie set to come out next year, Feige confirms that we shouldn't expect Tom Holland's Spider-Man to appear in that film.

According to Variety, Feige had this to say about Spider-Man showing up in Venom:

"No," Feige promptly responded when asked if Spider-Man will appear in Venom.

He continued, "No, I think the folks there are making a great Venom movie and I don't know much about it, but I know they're off to a good start with Tom Hardy."

Though we won't be getting an appearance from Spidey, it's good that Kevin Feige also didn't put down the film at all, and he still says that Sony is making a "great" Venom movie. Hopefully that means we can get an announcement someday that Venom will be crossing over to the MCU as well.

If anything, Venom can always do what Marvel Netflix does and have the occasional namedrop of something MCU-related. Bet you the symbiote in the movie will be coming from Avengers: Infinity War. We want to see a proper black suit Spider-Man!

Venom is set for a released October of next year, but Spider-Man: Homecoming comes out July 7.

See Also: Tom Holland Repeatedly Auditioned For His Role As Marvel's Spider-Man

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