Kevin Feige Admits That Marvel Studios Ripped Off Something From Star Wars

Star Wars is one of the most influential franchises ever made and it can never be replicated. This is why it's never a surprise when a film or a scene is clearly inspired by the science-fantasy series George Lucas created since it inspired so many people. So of course, Marvel has ripped off Star Wars a wee bit, just not in the way fans are imagining.

You could argue that Marvel movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok have clearly taken inspiration from Star Wars. Marvel head Kevin Feige revealed one thing that the studio blatantly ripped off from the Lucasfilm franchise; the company's First Ten Years logo.

No really, on The Star Wars Show Feige revealed that Marvel's First Ten Years logo that debuted during Black Panther was ripped off from a Star Wars banner that also said the exact same thing. According to Feige, he really liked that Lucasfilm did that because even after the failure of the prequel trilogy, it's clear that they were looking towards the future.

Granted, it took a long time and Disney buying Lucasfilm before we ended up having more Star Wars movies. Still, at least we got another Star Wars trilogy and Rian Johnson will be making a whole new one soon.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27. Star Wars: Episode IX comes out on December 20, 2019.

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