Jurassic World’s Early Indominous Rex Was So Much More Colorful

Jurassic World's Indominus Rex could have looked a whole lot different from the hybrid dinosaur Jurassic Park fans got to see back in 2015.

There's a new Indominus Rex concept art piece up on the Art Station page of one of Jurassic World's credited concept artists, Ian Joyner, and the image shows a colorful T-Rex that doesn't look anything like the pale-colored hybrid dinosaur.

Though the creature still looks pretty much like a T-Rex, the dinosaur has yellow stripes all over its flank, with smaller arms, claws, and more prominent spikes poking along its spine and its elbows.

Jurassic World's labs created Indominus Rex as a new attraction meant to draw in more visitors, and while the final concept piece that made it to the film featured a larger and more ferocious dinosaur, its drab color certainly didn't stand out as much.

The concept art by Ian Joyner looks so much better compared to the white T-rex featured in Jurassic World, but its yellow colorings might make it difficult for the dinosaur to blend in with its surroundings so that it can do its terrifying sneak attacks in the movie.

We wonder whether more colorful dinosaurs are going to make it in Jurassic World's sequel.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom makes its big premiere on June 22, 2018.

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