John Powell Teases Five New Themes for Solo: A Star Wars Story

Following Michael Giacchino, John Powell be the next composer in line besides John Williams to score a Star Wars movie. We know that John Williams actually pitched in to write a theme for Han, but Powell is teasing five new musical themes for the film.

Via: Imgur

While Powell wants us to guess, he has already confirmed that we actually get to hear Chewbacca's new theme in a released clip from Solo. It's the scene where he reveals to Han that he's 190 years old, and they fly the Falcon as a duo for the first time:

I'm already very excited. Powell seems to have gotten the feel of Williams' score with this movie, and I just can't wait to hear more of it when Solo comes out. Giacchino provided some great music when it came to Rogue One, and I hope Powell brought some memorable motifs to the Star Wars music library.

Though some fans were negative about the movie ever since it was announced, it seems that excitement for Solo is at an all-time high. The movie is said to have outsold Black Panther for pre-ticket sales, and a lot of people can't wait to see Han's story unfold on the big screen for the first time.

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes out May 25.

See Also: Solo: A Star Wars Story's Beats Black Panther In Ticket Presales

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