Jared Leto on Why He Chose to Play Morbius

Sony finally released the first trailer to Morbius and fans were surprised to see how decent it was. Sure, it's not the most fascinating movie out there but the shots are cool, Jared Leto is acting well in it, and it's connected to the MCU Spider-Man movies. That isn't a spoiler either since Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes appears at the end of the trailer, which is pretty cool.

That being said, many fans have wondered why an actor of Leto's caliber would star as a D-list Marvel character. Sure, the character is a fun on-again-off-again ally to Spider-Man but there aren't that many intriguing storylines featuring the character, though he does have his moments. Speaking with IGN, Leto discussed how Morbius "isn't your grandfather's superhero" and why he's intrigued by the character.

"Inside of Morbius, there's a person who has a moral code. There's a good person. Ultimately it's that common struggle between good and evil. And, I guess, we'll see what ultimately prevails. That's what I like a lot about this movie. We're not walking such a clear path. There's not a clear line between what's right and what's wrong. There's some gray area there. And Morbius is an imperfect person."

Having a morally gray character is always intriguing and we hope that Sony does a good job with this film. Then again, Venom wasn't a "good" movie and that got a lot of money. To be fair, Tom Hardy was really good in Venom and Jared Leto could also be awesome in this movie.

Morbius will be coming out on July 31.

Read:Morbius Ending Might Have Been Spoiled in First Trailer

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