Is Justice League Going To Show Us The Battle Of The Gods From Wonder Woman?


Everyone who's meticulously analyzed the Justice League trailers will tell you for sure that there is a battle sequence including the Amazons, Atlanteans, and humans; the first act of Wonder Woman also has a scene where Hippolyta tells Diana the story of a great war fought between men and the gods with herself and Antiope fighting on the side of the Amazons—is it possible that the war in Justice League and the one in Wonder Woman are the same war?

It's been recently confirmed that Robin Wright's character Antiope will be making a return in Justice League, so it's possible that this ancient war "between the gods" could be referencing to Darkseid and his first invasion of earth.

Rumors have suggested that this war will lead to the origin of the "Motherboxes" which were teased in Batman v Superman. After the war was finished, a Motherbox was each given to the Amazons, Atlanteans, and humans to keep safe. If Marvel Studios has taught us anything, Darkseid will be snatching up these boxes like Infinity Stones, and it will be up to the Justice League to stop them.

It's also worth noting that the winged Thanagarians—Hawkgirl's species—have also been spotted in the second trailer.

Whether it be two different wars or the same war, I'm sure glad to see Robin Wright's character come back to life onscreen. She was just a total badass to watch, and I'd like to see her kick some parademon ass with some medieval humans.

Then again, they could be two totally different wars, and since the Amazons are ageless, it's possible that Antiope had fought in both of them. I just think that it's very likely. What about you?

Justice League is set to come out on Nov. 17.

See Also: Future Of The DCEU Will Depend On The Success Of Justice League

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