Hideo Kojima Meets With Metal Gear Movie Director, Internet Reacts To His Drinking Mug

Tomb Raider ended up being an average movie experience; not being particularly offensive or grand, unfortunately. While not technically a part of the video game curse, the fact that it sits at a lowly 49% on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't lift the curse either. More video game movies are coming and none of them are as anticipated as Metal Gear Solid.

Fans were surprised to see Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima in a meeting with Kong Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who is working on the live-action adaptation. Normally that would be enough to entice the internet into a frenzy but something else has done that; Kojima's drinking mug.

No, it's not the one that says Konami's Tears (unfortunately), but it does have an odd design. Granted, most fans are just happy that these two are talking about the film, which a lot of video game movies could have benefitted from but seriously, what is up with that mug?

Considering how Konami recently unleashed the poorly-received Metal Gear Survive on audiences, it is good seeing Kojima involved in some capacity with the Metal Gear film. Metal Gear Solid and its various sequels were clearly inspired by a number of films - Snake takes the name Plissken in Sons of Liberty as a reference to Escape from New York - so this could be a match made in heaven.

Read:Metal Gear Solid Film Recruits Jurassic World Writer

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