Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Sneak Peek Suggests Odd Earth Incident

The second adventure of the odd team of Guardians is paced with so many cameos, sneak appearances, and interesting points. At the same time, we also get to see a lot of destinations, including Earth.

But from a new sneak peek via Jimmy Kimmel Live and his time on the set, it's possible that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is holding a new surprise for their time on Earth.

Guillermo Rodriguez of Jimmy Kimmel Live went on the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 to film a cameo. And after a few interesting interactions with the stars, he got to dress up as a cop and film a scene for the movie.

While we don't get a chance to see any of his antics and funny lines in the final cut, we did get to see his head.

Laughs aside, there is an interesting piece of new detail that stared at everyone in the face—and probably engulfed Guillermo in the process. There's a huge blob that pretty much swallows everything in sight. And everything there was obviously set on Earth, complete with smartphones and people taking photos of the blob instead of running towards the other direction.

While the movie obviously deals with alien things, we're not sure what exactly the blob is supposed to be, and what it will be setting up for the movie and the eventual Avengers: Infinity War.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be out in theaters on May 5.

Read:What we learned from the Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer.

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