Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: One Special Effect Involving Ego Was Mostly Practical

Marvel Studios continues to push the technology when it comes to aging and de-aging actors onscreen much like their work on old Peggy Carter in Winter Soldier and young Tony Stark in Civil War. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 actually opens with a scene involving a young Kurt Russell, but as it turns out, the youthful Russell was brought to life with practical effects.

Talking during a GOTG 2 press conference, Russell revealed:

"Before we went in there we assumed that it was gonna be all CGI. And [makeup artist Dennis Liddiard] said to James [Gunn] and the cinematographer [Henry Braham], ‘Hey, I can young this guy down. I got some tricks in my bag. Would that be helpful?' And they said, ‘Yeah, as much as you can. That would be great.' I was speaking to the gal last night who does the CGI. She said, ‘What did you think of what we did?' And I said, ‘I thought it was great. But I understand you didn't do a whole lot?' She said, ‘No we didn't. We touched it up here and there.' He did a fantastic job. He does have a lot of tricks, not just makeup. Cosmetics I should say."

As of now, it's still unclear on how much Russell was involved with recreating his younger self, but the IMDb page for Guardians 2 does credit Aaron Schwartz as ‘Young Ego Facial Reference.' We'll probably get to see more on the effect when they release the movie on Blu-Ray.

Russell will be joining a list of actors who have been brought back to their youth by Disney. Aside from RDJ in Civil War, Michael Douglas was also de-aged for Ant-Man, and Carrie Fisher was brought back to her 70s look in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Let's not forget Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy too.

Kurt Russell is Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 which hits theaters May 5.

Source: Screen Rant

See Also: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: Watch Timelapse Video Of Zoe Saldana's Gamora Transformation

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