Game Of Thrones: Natalia Tena Disses Showrunners For Controversial Final Season

There is little doubt that the final season of Game of Thrones is a controversial one despite all of its Emmy nominations. After all, most fans believed that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss rushed to finish the eighth season and some have even signed a petition to remake the entire final season. Interestingly, former GOT actress Natalia Tena agrees with fans and admits she ranted about how much she didn't like Season 8.

Tena was recently a guest on the White Wine Question Time podcast where she discussed Game of Thrones Season 8. The former Harry Potter star revealed that she was OK with the first two episodes but things began to go differently after Arya Stark killed the Night King.

"After that... I just didn't understand it," Tena said. "The calibre of writing towards the end and the plots and how they wrapped up compared to any other season [felt] like [it was] been written by different people. It doesn't make sense for me."

Tena revealed that she avoided the succeeding episodes before finally agreeing to binge-watch the rest of Season 8 with her boyfriend on a houseboat. Unfortunately, it didn't get any better from there.

"I was a few glasses of wine in when I watched [the finale]. I'd binge-watched the whole thing, but I ended up… my boyfriend had to leave the boat because I was ranting for an hour at him about how much I didn't like it," Tena said. "Then I rang my friend to rant to him."

It certainly sounds like Tena didn't like what Benioff and Weiss have done with the final season. Nevertheless, it seems like the Emmys disagree with Tena and millions of fans since Season 8 has a whopping 32 nominations.

In the meantime, Benioff and Weiss are off to do bigger things. The Game of Thrones showrunners recently signed a massive deal with Netflix to develop and create new projects for the streaming giant.

Related: Game Of Thrones Showrunners Sign Gigantic $200M Deal With Netflix

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