Felicity Jones Says Jyn Erso is a "Blend of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo" in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Image: Empire/Lucasilm)

In just a few weeks, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will introduce a new group of underdog Rebels doing whatever it takes to save the galaxy from the Empire, and that team is led by Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones).

As the trailers tell us, she's recruited into the Rebel Alliance because of her bloodline. Her father, Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen), is the weapons designer of the Death Star, and it seems that he let a coded trasmission escape towards the Rebel Alliance for help in ending its power.

But that doesn't say much about Jyn Erso herself. The trailers show a glimpse at her character. She's a determined Rebel who's a bit brash and inspiring. What does Jones think about her character?

Speaking to ABC News, Jones described her character as "a rather beautiful blend of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. The opportunity to play someone determined, who's trying to find her skills as a leader, to be in a fantasy movie, to be able to do a leading female role in a film of that scale – that's very, very rare."

That's an interesting way to describe her character, and I could definitely see that based on what we've seen in the trailers.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will hit theaters on December 16, 2016.

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