Did You Notice This ESB Callback in Solo: A Star Wars Story?

Solo: A Star Wars Story has multiple callbacks and references to the original trilogy, but there was one callback that has been staring us at the face this whole time. Thanks to The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story author Phil Szostak, we know that L3-37's simple bang on the head was supposed to be a reference to Han banging on the Falcon to bring it back to life.

Check it out:

The revelation that L3 becomes one of the main computers of the Falcon was amazing, counting the fact that 3PO had been able to talk to the ship back in the original trilogy. Though L3 becoming a part of the ship was a more emotional moment for Lando, I kind of wish that Han had more moments with L3 as well, further cementing his bond with the Millennium Falcon.

Though Solo: A Star Wars Story is not breaking box office numbers right now, a lot of fans are coming to terms that it may have been the marketing that doomed the film. Reactions to the film online have been mostly positive, but poor marketing—add to that competition with Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2—ultimately ate at Solo's chances of making a profit in the box office.

I'm just here crossing my fingers that it doesn't ruin the chances for smaller spinoff movies like that Boba Fett film or a Kenobi movie.

Catch Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters now.

See Also: New Projections For Solo: A Star Wars Story Point To A Better Second Weekend

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