Did The Flash Tease an Epic Non-Speedster Villain?

For three seasons, we've seen three different variants of bad Speedsters in The Flash.

There's the tricky good-guy-in-disguise Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne, who had posed as Harrison Wells. There's Hunter Zolomon, a.k.a. Zoom, who had infiltrated Team Flash as the hunky but dorky nice guy. And then there's Savitar, the strongest and most sinister of all.

But it's hard to reconcile having so many bad speedsters, each of which is basically challenging Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) in just a different way. It doesn't help that The Flash isn't the only good Speedster either—there's Jessie Quick, Jay Garrick, and Kid Flash, too.

In a world populated by Speedsters, I guess this is why the likes of Captain Cold and Trickster do stand out as villains. And for season 4, what we need is a good major villain who shouldn't be connected to the Speed Force.

This may be The Flash creators' plan, based on the latest episode of the series. According to Entertainment Weekly, it's possible that even if we have Abra Kadabra as a future villain, he may not be the actual villain for the season.

And that's because another name was mentioned: DeVoe. Comic fans will know him to be Clifford DeVoe who calls himself The Thinker. A very sinister yet smart genius villain, he invents scientific gadgets and becomes The Flash's enemy.

While there are smaller bad guys that come into The Flash, the report does note that DeVoe was mentioned alongside the major bad guys of the previous seasons—all of them, in fact. So it's hard to put him side-by-side with the faceless monster that rampaged a season 3 episode.

We're all waiting for the Once and Future Flash episode, where we also get to see Barry's new costume. Hopefully, season 4 will shape up to be a game-changer for The Flash.

Read:Superman's back in a Justice League group concept art.

Stay for the credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

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