Death Note Gets New Poster of Ryuk

Live-action animes are becoming all the rage in recent memory. And while there are those that I'm really looking forward to seeing, such as the Gintama live-action film and web episode, there are those that still remain a mixed bag

That includes Death Note, which is Hollywood's latest foray in to the live-action anime adaptation business. Granted, we should give this film the benefit of the doubt that it could be good, thanks to Adam Wingard's direction.

With production pretty much wrapping up as the creators prepare to bring the series to Netflix later on, Wingard teased over Twitter the last few steps that they were able to take for the project:

If that's not enough, we've just seen a new teaser in the form of a poster of Ryuk. Fans who have been following the casting news for Death Note will know that the actor who will portray the Shinigami is none other than Willem Dafoe. He does look quite sinister in the poster, though I'm hoping that that doesn't mean lessened humor, which is his forte in the anime.

Dafoe has certainly lost all of his physical appeal, as his features have been replaced with sharp teeth and a very sinister look—even his Green Goblin mask is no match for how he looks as Ryuk. Costume-wise, the production has managed to tone down Ryuk's insanely otherworldly look as a towering Shinigami and instead, made him look like a cross between the new Ryuk and a rock band frontrunner.

Death Note will be out inn Netflix on Aug. 25.

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