Deadpool 3: Taylor Swift's Recent Appearance with Cast Sparks Cameo Rumors

Credit: 20th Century Fox

Credit: 20th Century Fox

For the past several months, we've been hearing a lot of rumors about several names that are going to make cameo appearances in Deadpool 3 whether it's the actors from the Fox Marvel movies or other well-known actors that are not part of the franchise.

One of the casting rumors that have prevailed is Taylor Swift's cameo appearance as Dazzler, which has not been confirmed at this point. There was also skepticism about it since the singer is currently busy with her The Eras Tour.

There are plenty of fans who have expressed their interest in seeing her show up in the film for a cameo appearance and it certainly will be a big deal if it ends up being true considering her current stardom.

Now, the rumor has reignited again thanks to her recent appearance with the cast which has convinced fans that it could be true after all.

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Fans Are Speculating Taylor Swift's Rumored Deadpool 3 Cameo Again

Taylor Swift
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Credit: Taylor Swift

Last night, Swift was spotted attending the recent game between the Kansas City Chiefs and New York Jets in support of her rumored boyfriend Travis Kelce.

She was joined by Deadpool 3 stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman and director Shawn Levy. Reynolds' wife and Swift's friend Blake Lively was also seen in attendance with them.

Levy addressed his attendance at the game with the stars of the film on X where he posted, "I'd rather be shooting our movie, but til then, nights like this'll do."

As a result of being spotted together, fans online have started to theorize that this could be the hint that Swift's rumored cameo appearance in Deadpool 3 might be true after all.

Here are some of the tweets from fans:

While it is fun speculating Swift's potential cameo in Deadpool 3 due to their recent public hangout, there is also a likelihood that it was all nothing and it was simply due to the fact that Swift and Lively are close friends and the Deadpool 3 guys simply came along with the ride.

However, you can also still argue that this doesn't shoot down the idea that Swift's cameo could be true since this is evidence that they are now part of the same circle because of working together in the film if Swift did show up on set and shoot a cameo.

Nevertheless, this has been a fun speculation for fans across the board whether it's from the MCU or the Swifties. We will be able to find out the truth eventually once we've seen the film.

Deadpool 3 is currently slated for release in theaters on May 3, 2024.

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