Could Star Wars Battlefront II's Four New EA Play Heroes Include Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn?

With EA promising Star Wars gamers better features in Star Was Battlefront II, everyone's excited to see what exactly the videogame publisher has to offer in the Battlefront sequel's gameplay reveal at the EA play this weekend.

Now, EA's adding to the hype by teasing some exciting new features for Star Wars Battlefront II. Not only has the developer announced that on the official Battlefront II website that it's making flyable Naboo N-1 Starfighters available in the highly anticipated Star Wars videogame, EA has also revealed that four new heroes are going to be on display at EA live.

Here's what the developer wrote on the site:

"Separatist battle droids and clone troopers battle in the streets, with all four of Star Wars Battlefront II's new classes on display, alongside four legendary heroes, prequel-era vehicles, and exciting new Special characters. Can the Republic forces stop the relentless crawl of the massive Multi-Troop Transport as it lumbers toward the palace doors? Tune in live to find out and to learn more about Star Wars Battlefront II's Galactic Assault multiplayer gameplay."

Though it's been predicted that two of these new heroes may be Darth Maul and Rey, the battle of Theed could bring a different set like a young Obi-wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. It looks like there's really a lot to look forward to in the upcoming EA Play.

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