British Royals To Meet Star Wars' Luke Skywalker This Week

Princess William and Harry will be visiting the Star Wars: Episode VIII set at Pinewood Studios in London this week. The royals will be shown around by the film's star Daisy Ridley, who will be reprising her role as Rey in The Force Awakens, and will also meet director Rian Johnson and Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill.

According to the Kensington Palace Twitter account, the princes will , "recognise the wealth of fantastic British creative talent involved in the production of the Star Wars films."

2015's The Force Awkaens saw British talent featured both in front and behind cameras, with Ridley and John Boyega playing the main characters Rey and Finn.

J.J. Abrams shot scenes in various British locations such as Greenham Common, in the Lake District and Scotland

Star Wars: Episode VIII is set to release in theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.

Read: Mark Hamill Teases Fans with Star Wars: Episode VIII "Trailer" in Latest Tweet

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