Blizzard Discusses Overwatch's New Competitive Mode Details

At the end of this month, Blizzard Entertainment will launch Overwatch's competitive mode. So how will the game's competitive mode be different than it was in the beta? Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan explains an answer in a Develope Update video shared on YouTube.

Kaplan said that players thought competitive play wasn't competitive enough, so Blizzard removed the tier-based progression system from Overwatch's competitive mode. The game will instead "directly correlate" a player's matchmaking rating to a player's skill rating. The skill ratings will be visible for themselves, as well as other players. The average skill rating of the team will also be shown.

"The downside of a system like this is [that your rating is] going to go down sometimes," Kaplan explained. "But this is the sort of competitive system that we think players who are attracted to competitive play really want."

Kaplan also said that Blizzard will dramatically decrease the number of sudden deaths after players complained that it happened too often in the game.

Overwatch players will also be able to earn "awesome cosmetic rewards" only available for playing in each seasons. The "highest skilled players" can unlock golden weapons, as well as other cosmetic items.

Blizzard will continue to make tweaks based on user feedback, and that shows how much the developer is dedicated to giving Overwatch players the best possible experience they can get.

Read: Blizzard Considering Cross-Console Play For Overwatch

Read: Blizzard Bans Thousands of Overwatch Cheaters

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