Better Call Saul’s Bob Odenkirk Talks His Incredibles 2 Character And Whether Or Not He's Playing A Villain

Bob Odenkirk is the face behind everyone's favorite criminal lawyer Saul Goodman, and he's also playing a part in the highly anticipated Incredibles 2. The way these superhero films go, you'd expect Odenkirk to be coming on board as a villain, but like every big movie, it seems he's contractually obligated to keep his mouth shut.

Talking to CinemaBlend, Odenkirk explains:

"I'm not going to wreck that. … I would ruin my part of the movie if I told you, if I answered that question. That is exactly the question I'm not allowed to answer. So think about that. Think about that."

The way these latest Disney movies go, the villain is always who you least expect it. It was actually the old college professor guy in Big Hero 6, it was the vice mayor lamb in Zootopia, and [SPOILERS FOR COCO] it was actually Miguel's idol Ernesto who was the main villain [END SPOILER].

If Odenkirk was playing the villain, I would guess it was someone whom we didn't expect to be the villain at all, or someone who we thought was the villain, but was actually one of the heroes. Either way, Odenkirk is an amazing actor, and I can't wait to see more of The Incredibles 2. Hopefully we get a full trailer before the year ends.

The Incredibles2 is set for a release on June 15, 2018.

See Also: The Super-Powered Family Returns In First Incredibles 2 Still

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