Avengers: Infinity War Set Photo Has Giant Gray Hand Going For Bruce Banner

The Avengers: Infinity War trailer just dropped and all the Marvel fans on the internet are going crazy. Marvel has okayed the release of some photos from the set, and this new one from Atlanta Filming has a giant gray hand going for Bruce Banner with Iron Man and Wong at the side.

Check it out:

A lot of fans will immediately guess that the hand belongs to Thanos, but with his reality-warping powers, I'm kind of hoping that it belongs to Gray Hulk.

Behind-the-scenes stories from Avengers: Age of Ultron have revealed that Gray Hulk was supposed to appear in the movie after Scarlet Witch messes with Banner's mind, but Marvel opted to save it for another film. With Kevin Feige confirming that Thor: Ragnarok was the start of a three-movie arc for the Hulk, I'm guessing there's no better time to introduce the concept of a Gray Hulk.

I know Banner himself is the Hulk, but how awesome would it be if Thanos took a look at the Hulk and decided to pull out an evil version of him from nowhere. Play with the concept a bit, Marvel!

Of course I'm just wildly speculating here, but seeing as Marvel is about to close a 10-year era of the MCU, I'd like to see them taking some risks for once.

Avengers: Infinity War comes out May 4, 2018.

See Also: There's A Civil War Easter Egg in The Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

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