Alden Ehrenreich Talks About Han And Lando’s Complicated Relationship In Solo: A Star Wars Story

Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Lando Calrissian's (Billy Dee Williams) relationship in the original Star Wars trilogy would always go one way or another. Though the two got along just right, there'd be moments where betrayal would find its way through their friendship, though in Lando's defense, he was really just trying to save Han and his friends from Darth Vader.

Now that Solo: A Star Wars Story's on its way, fans wonder what kind of relationship the two are going to start out with when Lucasfilm's upcoming Star Wars spinoff makes its big premiere. Though the new young Han Solo star Alden Ehrenreich was a bit careful not to reveal too much in his interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actor does admit that Han and Lando's relationship is a bit like what we've seen in the original trilogy.

"That's very hard to answer without giving things away, but I will say that their relationship is many different things. As it is when you see them in the originals," Ehrenreich explains. "I think they have very different styles."

Han and Lando might both be scoundrels, but they do work differently and we wonder how those differences are going to play off in Solo.

Solo: A Star Wars Story premieres on May 25.

Read: Alden Ehrenreich Says Solo: A Star Wars Story Is About Han Chasing A Dream

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