Zack Snyder Fans Accused of Using Online Bots to Manipulate Oscars Win

Credit: HBO Max

Credit: HBO Max

We've pretty much established over the last couple of years that Zack Snyder's followers are some of the most passionate fans out there. In fact, they were the main driving force for Snyder's cut of Justice League finally seeing the light of day last year and it even gave the director a special nod at the recent Academy Awards.

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Credit: HBO Max

The Oscars introduced the inaugural Best Cheer Moment and Fan Favorite Movie of 2021 awards this year, both bagged by Snyder's Justice League and Army of the Dead respectively.

It initially came as a huge surprise to a lot of fans especially considering Snyder was going up against another fan favorite in Spider-Man: No Way Home but his films ultimately took home the newly-created awards.

However, months after the 2022 Oscars concluded, Snyder's double victory is causing controversy all over the film community. In a shocking turn of events, Snyder's fans who were pretty much responsible for the Oscar triumphs of Justice League and Army of the Dead are now being accused of using online bots to gain the upper hand and win the awards for the director.

In a report by The Wrap, the most active voters in the Academy Awards' brand new categories were "autonomous web programs", meaning the accounts that cast their votes were actually online bots. As it stands, Zack Snyder and his fandom have yet to offer an official statement regarding the matter.

Also Read: Zack Snyder Addresses Possibility of Directing Justice League 2

Meanwhile, Snyder's DCEU future is still filled with uncertainty a full year after Justice League was released. But on a promising note, the recent merger between Warner Bros. and Discovery seemingly offers renewed hope not only for the director but for the franchise as a whole.

Meanwhile, Zack Snyder's Justice League and Army of the Dead are streaming on HBO Max and Netflix respectively.

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