Who Is Aqua and Ruby's Father in Oshi no Ko? The Show's Antagonist Explained

Who Is the Father in Oshi no Ko
Credit: Doga Kobo

Who Is the Father in Oshi no Ko
Credit: Doga Kobo

In Oshi no Ko, Aqua embarks on a revenge quest to avenge his mother, Ai. His target is his unknown father, whom Aqua blames for what happened. So, who is Aqua and Ruby's father in Oshi no Ko?

Spoiler Warning: There are spoilers for the Oshi no Ko manga below!

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Aqua's Plan Explained

Aqua's Plan Against His Father
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Credit: Doga Kobo

After an obsessive fan killed Ai Hoshino, her son, Aqua, swears to avenge her.

Given that Aqua is, in fact, an adult and former fan who got reincarnated as his idol's son, he's fully aware of everything that is at stake.

Growing up, Aqua's resolution becomes stronger instead of fading.

Soon after Ai's murder, Aqua concludes that although Ai was killed by a fan, his father might have had something to do with it.

This is because other than Ai's manager and his wife, no one else knew she had children.

Moreover, Aqua deduces that, given Ai's limited social circle, his and Ruby's father must also be in the entertainment industry.

His investigation of Ai's three mobile phones confirms this.

Aqua's Plan Against His Father Explained
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Despite having no desire to work in entertainment, Aqua uses his connection with director Taishi Gotanda to become an actor.

In doing so, Aqua hopes to combine his knowledge from his past life as a doctor, and his present precocious language skills to find his father.

Specifically, he plans on coming in contact with celebrities and collecting DNA from them to test it against his own to find his father and avenge Ai.

His plan becomes more twisted and morally dubious as the story goes on until we actually meet his father.

READ MORE: What Does Oshi no Ko Mean? The Anime's Title Explained

Is Masaya Kaburagi the Children's Father?

Is Masaya Kaburagi The Children's Father?
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Credit: Doga Kobo

Aqua's first named suspect is Masaya Kaburagi, a famous producer whose phone number was saved on Ai's mobile. However, he isn't the father.

In order to investigate, Aqua joined the live-action production of the manga series Sweet Today.

While on set, Aqua manages to collect a sample from the producer. He then runs a paternity test which confirms that Kaburagi isn't their father.

Could Toshirou Kindaichi Be the Father?

Is Toshirou Kindaichi Aqua and Ruby's Father
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Credit: Doga Kobo

Toshirou Kindaichi isn't the twins' father, but we do expect him to temporarily show up as a suspect.

Aqua joins the stage production of the fictional Tokyo Blade manga because it's produced by Lala Lai, the theater group Ai used to be part of.

Kaburagi reveals that Ai changed after joining the theater company, and her behavior suggested she had fallen in love.

This means that any actors and directors who are still in the company could be suspects, as far as Aqua is concerned.

So far, Aqua has taken DNA from several people in the show business industry, and Kindaichi, a Lala Lai director, will not be exempt.

So, Who Is the Father in Oshi no Ko?

Who Is the Children's Father in Oshi no Ko?
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Credit: Doga Kobo

It turns out that Aqua's suspicions were correct, as his father is revealed to be Hikaru Kamiki, an actor and Ai's ex-boyfriend.

Given Oshi no Ko's dark themes, many fans theorized that Aqua and Ruby's father was an older producer who took advantage of Ai.

While Hikaru was actually Ai's peer and also a victim of the entertainment industry, Aqua was right to suspect that his father played a role in Ai's death.

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Did Aqua and Ruby's Father Kill Ai?

Did The Children's Father Kill Ai
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Credit: Doga Kobo
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The manga confirms that Hikaru proxy murdered Ai by giving her address to the obsessive fan who went on to stab her to death.

Later chapters reveal that while he and Ai supposedly mutually agreed to break up, she was still happy for him to be part of the children's lives.

However, despite her request, he never contacted his children. But Ai is not Hikaru's only victim.

Did Aqua and Ruby's Father Kill Ai
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Credit: Doga Kobo

In fact, an establishing character moment features him getting close to a rising celebrity, then murdering her on a trip and making it look like an accident.

If there were any concerns as to whether Aqua's quest for revenge was justified, these are bound to disappear given that his father is, indeed, a murderer who has destroyed many lives.

That being said, Aqua's revenge plan might end up ruining everyone around him.

Will Aqua Kill His Father?

Will Aqua Kill His Father
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Credit: Doga Kobo

As of writing, the Oshi no Ko manga is still ongoing, so we don't yet know if Aqua will succeed in his revenge and if he'll kill Hikaru.

Our suspicion is that he will come very close to murder. If a dark ending is in Oshi no Ko's future, he might even succeed.

However, if Aka Akasaka opts for a lighter ending, we would expect that, while Aqua might still contemplate murder, the girls in his life might somehow stop him.

This doesn't seem entirely satisfying as an ending, but we've seen time and again that Aqua does get a sense of fulfillment by helping aspiring entertainers, such as Kana, Akane, Mem, and his own sister.

His attempts are often patronizing and misguided, but he has helped all of them in some way, so perhaps their helping him see the futility of revenge isn't out of the question.

Only time will show what Hikaru Kamiki's end will be, but we do hope that justice will be served.

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