Thor: Love and Thunder's Natalie Portman Offered New Star Wars Role

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Taika Waititi has got to be one of Hollywood's busiest filmmakers right now and after his involvement in Pixar's Lightyear, the director is now turning his attention to Marvel Studios' fourth Thor film which is set to premiere this Friday. And lest we forget his Star Wars project that has piqued the interest and curiosity of fans since it was announced in late 2020.

Love and Thunder.
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Credit: Marvel Studios

Details about the untitled project has remained scarce and even Taika himself still has no idea when production for it will began. Admittedly, the Korg actor has begun looking for potential actors who will join his highly anticipated film.

Hilariously, one of the actors on his radar is his Marvel co-star Natalie Portman who is making her triumphant return as Jane Foster aka Mighty Thor in Love and Thunder. According to Taika, he actually offered Portman a role in his Star Wars film, not realizing that she was originally a part of the prequel trilogy.

Speaking with Rolling Stone, Waititi recalled their amusing conversation about his Star Wars project. He shared: "Natalie said to me, ‘What do you do next?’ And I said ‘I’m trying to work on a Star Wars thing. Have you ever wanted to be in a Star Wars movie?’ She said, ‘I’ve been in Star Wars movies.’ I forgot about those ones. [Laughs]"

Also Read: Kevin Feige Breaks Silence on Marvel’s Rumored Falling-Out with Natalie Portman

Well, obviously, Taika was just messing with the actress but what if his mystery Star Wars project actually involved Padme? I mean, Disney recently brought back Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen to much fanfare and I can totally see the same thing happening with Portman. A man can dream, can't he?

Meanwhile, Thor: Love and Thunder will hit cinemas this Friday, July 8th.

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