The Witcher Season 2 Will Have an Easier Timeline to Follow

While loved by many fans, Netflix's The Witcher did suffer from a number of flaws, like some odd dialogue choices and the confusing timeline that's often brought up. Though fans do start putting the pieces together at episode 4, that's already halfway through the series and it sort of disrupts the flow. On Reddit, showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich discussed the timeline controversy and assured fans that the storytelling mechanic won't be popping up in The Witcher Season 2.

Her explanation on the confusing timeline was that she wanted to explore some of Geralt's short stories while also introducing Yennefer and Ciri early on. This did work to some extent since fans do love some of the fights in this series, seeing some similarities to the games they have played. It's a pretty solid excuse and Hissrich says we won't see it on Season 2 since these three characters have already met.

Since a second season was already greenlit before the first one aired, it will be interesting to see how it improves upon the first. Fans would probably prefer better writing and even more development for Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri, though they will also have to contend with newer characters that are expected to debut.

A lot of fans are also hoping to see fan-favorite love interest Triss join the fray but there has been no confirmation on her joining yet. That could always happen next season but let's wait for some official news first.

The Witcher Season 1 can currently be streamed on Netflix.

Read:Netflix's The Witcher Showrunner Teases Major Plot in Season Two

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