Ex-Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Launches Brutal Tirade Against Kathleen Kennedy

Cara Dune
Credit: Lucasfilm

Cara Dune
Credit: Lucasfilm

It's been over two years since Gina Carano's unceremonious firing from Disney but it appears that the former The Mandalorian actress still has beef with the company that ousted her, particularly Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy.

Details surrounding the true cause of Carano's firing still remain a mystery as well as who exactly was responsible for making the controversial call. Well, it looks like the polarizing executive had a hand in her losing her Star Wars role and just recently, the actress launched a shocking verbal tirade accusing Kennedy of a lot of things.

Also Read: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano's Cara Dune Makes Surprising Return - But It's Not What You Think

Gina Carano Launches Shocking Tirade Against Kathleen Kennedy: "The Jig Is Up"

Cara Dune
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Credit: Lucasfilm

South Park recently ran a special episode titled South Park: Joining the Panderverse, which took a major dig at the Lucasfilm boss and Disney in general. The said episode pretty much blames Kennedy for pandering to woke culture which according to the show made Disney movies "suck".

Carano apparently enjoyed South Park's take on the matter and took the opportunity to launch a tirade of her own. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), she claims that the show's parody won't sit well with the executive, predicting that Kathleen will resort to power-tripping to paint the other camp as the bad guys.

In a lengthy post, Carano wrote. "This is the part where KK demands any YouTubers get censored off of YouTube for sharing and laughing at this hilarious episode, she'll have YouTube disable the thumbs down option because of the ratio she'll receive, then she'll have her publicist ghouls make sure Variety and Hollywood Reporter run hit pieces about the South Park creators and their families smearing their names through every useful idiot she has under her thumb who would sell their soul to work for Lucas film, she'll activate her online mob to repeat that the South Park creators are racist, bigot, transphobes, and demand the South Park creators publicly apologize by only using words she approves of and finally she'll demand they subject themselves to a re-education course of 45 people in the lbgtq community zoom call to sit there and listen of how badly they got their feelings hurt all over a little boop of a South Park episode. But maybe just maybe the jig is up."

Also Read: Kathleen Kennedy’s Rumored Lucasfilm Exit Reportedly Caused Several Star Wars Cancelations

Lucasfilm has yet to respond to the said South Park episode but don't be surprised if the production company ends up ignoring it, causing the controversy to die a natural death.

All three seasons of The Mandalorian are available to stream on Disney+.

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