Stranger Things Actress Millie Bobby Brown Reveals Unhealthy Relationship With TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic

Stranger Things Actress Millie Bobby Brown Reveals Unhealthy Relationship With TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic
Credit: Netflix/ Stranger Things

Stranger Things Actress Millie Bobby Brown Reveals Unhealthy Relationship With TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic
Credit: Netflix/ Stranger Things

Everyone has followed Millie Bobby Brown growing up through Stranger Things as she plays Eleven in the series but beyond the Netflix series, her life outside the set has been followed by fans all over the world. A year after her alleged relationship with TikTok star Hunter Ecimovic, the actress claims it as an "unhealthy situation."

Stranger Things Actress Millie Bobby Brown Reveals Unhealthy Relationship With TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic
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Credit: Netflix
Stranger Things Actress Millie Bobby Brown Reveals Unhealthy Relationship With TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic

Millie Bobby Brown rose to the top with her roles on Stranger Things and Enola Holmes but in real life, she went through the same struggles as any normal teenager would have, just a little more public given her star status.

In 2020, Millie Bobby Brown got caught in what she calls as an "unhealthy relationship" with TikTok Star Hunter Ecimovic which happened while she was filming Enola Holmes and the young actress gathered all her bravery to leave him in January 2021.

TikTok star Hunter Ecimovic was accused last year for "grooming" Millie Bobby Brown and he faced backlash following his lewd comments about the actress whom he allegedly started dating when Millie was just 16 years old saying they were romantically involved.

Ecimovic even claimed that he lived at Millie's house and suggested that Millie's parents didn't object.

Millie Bobby Brown shared to Allure in their cover story, "I felt very vulnerable. Also, no one on the set knew I was going through this. So it was kind of nice to be able to just deal with that myself and no one else knew. Then it was harder when the whole world knew.”

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In same interview, Millie shared how she healed with what happened and had a thoughtful reflection of her painful past, “It was a year of healing. When you get publicly humiliated this way, I felt so out of control and powerless. Walking away and knowing that I’m worth everything and this person didn’t take anything from me, it felt very empowering."

Millie added that she wants to help other girls who are in the same situation, “Ultimately, all I wanted to do within my career is help young girls and young people out there know that I, too, go through things."

Millie acknowledges her mistake like any other youngsters out there, "I’m not this perfect person that is selling skin-care products and in Stranger Things. I absolutely have made wrong decisions.”

Currently, Millie Bobby Brown channels her energy on her career while studying human services in Purdue University where she aims to learn about the system and help other youngsters like her.

Millie is set to reprise her roles on Stranger Things Season 5 and Enola Holmes Season 2. Both projects have no release date yet.

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