Stranger Things 3: The Game Shows Great Synergy, Release Date Revealed

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During the Nintendo Showcase for indie games, or the Nindie Showcase as the company puts it, fans were fairly happy to see Stranger Things 3: The Game get some love. In a move that was fairly smart, they not only showed new gameplay after the show's new trailer came out but we also found out its release date: July 4.

That's right, Stranger Things 3: The Game has the exact same release date as the show's third season. It's great synergy between entertainment mediums and should get fans who binge the show to buy the game or at least consider picking it up. Making it a brawler that wouldn't look out of place in the ‘80s was also smart since, well, the show is also set in that era.

Interestingly enough, the creators of the show have stated that this beat-em-up will actually tell the show's story. Then again, when you see characters from the show doing spin punches and other ridiculous attacks, it's clear that this will be a very loose adaptation of the show. It should be a treat to fans of the show or even those that just want a fun beat-em-up game.

Stranger Things 3: The Game comes out on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on July 4.

Read: Everyone's Grown Up in Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer

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