Star Wars Theory Suggests Snoke is Actually Mace Windu

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Ever since he made his debut in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Snoke has been the subject of many fan theories. While the character was revealed to be made by Emperor Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker, his "identity" still remains a big question. One such theory about Snoke is that he's actually Jedi Master Mace Windu, but how?

A Redditor proposed this theory by stating a few points in regards to appearance and a few cryptic lines. Of course, this raises many questions since there's no clue as to what happened to the Jedi Master and it would be unlikely of him to turn to the Dark Side should he have survived the fall.

That said, Star Wars characters tend to return in one way or another. Mace Windu might have survived because, apparently, Jedis still manage to land on their feet despite a long fall. For evidence, the Redditor also points out that Mace Windu and Snoke have a resemblance in the shape of their face.

Fans know what'll happen once you get affected by the Force lightning. So if Mace Windu managed to survive what happened to him, he might have become a decrepit figure, which is what we see with Snoke.

All that being said, if Windu did survive, why would he choose to become Snoke? There's the possibility that he might want revenge on Anakin, even if it means turning to the Dark Side. He might have done this as well to eliminate Palpatine from the inside.

This is only one of the many Snoke theories from Star Wars fans. Do you think Mace Windu is Snoke or he's just a clone that's entirely made up by Palpatine without basing it on any other existing person or creature in the universe? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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