Star Wars Theory Suggests Mace Windu Would Have Been Worse Than Palpatine

It might be hard to imagine a more powerful villain than Palpatine in the Skywalker saga, however, a fan theory suggests that the Jedi who turned Darth Sidious' own Force Lightning against him in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith could have actually been a more terrible evil.

Though Mace Windu died in the battle against the Dark Side in Revenge of the Sith, the Jedi Knight almost had the upper hand against Palpatine. If Anakin hadn't interfered then, the Sith Lord would have been slain, destroying the Galactic Empire before it could even begin.

While Star Wars fans see Mace Windu as one of the saga's heroes, a recent fan theory posted on Reddit suggests that the Jedi Master could have very well ended up becoming a villain had he won the fight against Palpatine.

According to this new post by Impulsive Beetle on r/FanTheories, Mace Windu could have ended up being corrupted by power if he had survived the battle against Darth Sidious.

Sure, the Jedi might be an organization of peacekeepers that maintain order throughout the galaxy far, far away, however, Mace Windu was a major war figure for the group. During the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master orchestrated the Republic's actions just like Palpatine did in the shadows.

Impulsive Beetle suggests that Windu would have restructured the Senate to function under Jedi control after the Clone Wars, creating a system reminiscent of the Galactic Empire. This is probably the reason why Palpatine recognized that it was too dangerous to allow Windu to live.

What do you think of this new fan theory? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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