Star Wars: The Last Jedi Director Loves John Boyega For His Passionate BLM Speech

Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson has nothing but love and support for John Boyega after the Star Wars sequel trilogy star decided to take to the streets to join the Black Lives Matter protest in London.

Posting on Twitter, the Star Wars director decided to share a video of Boyega joining thousands as they march to rally against racism and police brutality.

"Love this man," Johnson wrote on his post.

In the video, Boyega thanks everyone at the protest for being there to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, "to us, to Black people. I love you."

"We are fighting for our rights. We are fighting. We are fighting for our ability to live in freedom. We are fighting for our ability to achieve," the Star Wars actor said through a megaphone during the protest, "We are fighting for options in life, to be of quality. And today, you guys are a physical representation of that."

Boyega's courage has inspired so many. Not only has Johnson expressed his support for the actor, but so have the official Star Wars and Disney twitter handles. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams has also taken to Twitter to support the actor, saying that he would keep on begging to work with Boyega after seeing his strong and wilful stance on the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Black Lives Matter movement has exploded all around the world after the death of George Floyd. The African American man was wrongfully killed by Minneapolis police after being arrested for a suspected counterfeit bill.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and Star Wars: The Last Jedi are available for streaming on Disney+.

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