Star Wars: The Clone Wars Final Season Paid Tribute to 2008 Movie

It has been a truly long journey for Star Wars: The Clone Wars but it looks like the animated series never forgot where it started. One of the last episodes of the final season just paid tribute to the 2008 movie that started it all.

Although The Clone Wars would go on to last seven seasons, it all started with a film that served as the series pilot. The movie is also known for introducing Ahsoka Tano as she joins her new master Anakin Skywalker on a mission to find Jabba the Hutt's kidnapped son. The film also offered our first glimpse at Captain Rex. The animated flick was directed by Dave Filoni and it got a subtle tribute in the seventh season's penultimate episode.

In Shattered, Ahsoka found herself trapped in a ship filled with Clone Troopers just as Darth Sidious executed Order 66. Luckily, Rex was able to fight his programming long enough to tell Ahsoka to "find Fives" and give her some time to escape. While trying to access Fives' files, Ahsoka was told that access was restricted but she was able to use Anakin's passcode to learn about the Inhibitor chips.

Interestingly, Anakin's passcode happened to be 8-1-0-8. If that doesn't ring a bell, it's actually a reference to the Clone Wars film's theatrical release date on August 10, 2008. It's a subtle but awesome tribute to the movie that introduced us to Rex and Ahsoka.

Did you catch some awesome Easter Eggs in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7? Sound off in the comments below.

Related: Here's Why Rex Tried to Resist Order 66 in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7

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