Star Wars Releases 'May the 4th' Video to Inspire Fans in These Dark Times

Happy May the 4th you nerds! Also, Happy Star War Day! Even though the franchise's fans can be some of the worst human beings who have internet access, Star Wars itself is a beacon of hope that continues to inspire anyone who watches, whether they be male, female, black, white, gay, straight, and so on. Disney and LucasFilm managed to release a surprisingly touching video about the geeky day.

The video not only showcases scenes from every live-action Star Wars movie but also from its film spin-offs like Rogue One and Solo, along with animated shows like The Clone Wars and Rebels. We even get a scene from Jedi: Fallen Order, the most recent video game from EA and Respawn, which was a nice surprise.

Its overall message about hope in these dark times really hits a chord since the whole world is going through them right now. COVID-19 has forced people to stay at home and people who are in power have proven to be incompetent or ill-informed when it comes to what everyone should be doing. In these dark times, it's nice to know that the good times will come again and how we're all going to be united one day.

Huh. It almost makes me want to have a Star Wars marathon. I see what you did there Disney and LucasFilm. Sly bastards.

Fans can officially kick off their May the 4th Star Wars marathon on Disney+ when The Rise of Skywalker hits the streaming service on that fateful day. Why not catch The Clone Wars and Rebels while you're at it? While the latter is fairly flawed, the former is still really strong and is some of the best Star Wars media out there.

Read: Here's What to Expect from Disney+ on Star Wars Day 2020

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