Star Wars: Phantom Menace Novelization Defunct by New Master & Apprentice Book

Ever since Disney got a hold of Star Wars a majority of the expanded universe had been defunct in order to give Lucasfilm the freedom to make more content. Just in, the novelization for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace has joined the Legends categorization thanks to the Master & Apprentice book by Claudia Gray.

As per All Things Kenobi, M&A has given Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon new ages as compared to the TPM novelization:

While the new book does make Qui-Gon younger, it also makes Obi-Wan much older when he was taken in as a padawan. Qui-Gon was originally pushing 60 in the original novelization, but was now revealed to be 40 in the new book. Then it's revealed that Obi-Wan was brought to the Order at 3-years-old as compared to his original story where he was brought in at six months of birth.

It's not really a big change when it comes to the films, but I imagine it's a crucial detail when it comes to the expanded universe. My biggest takeaway is the criticism that Obi-Wan being taken in at 3 was already too old for the Council. This kind of adds fuel to their reluctance in The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon was asking to bring in Anakin Skywalker.

For now, Star Wars is alive and well, and though there are still some haters of this Disney era, there are definitely some more positive fans who love the stream of new content.

The next movie is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which comes out Dec. 20.

See Also: Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Might Reveal Sith Troopers As Revan's KOTOR Army

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