Star Wars: Mark Hamill Shares Hilarious 'Drunk R2-D2' Video

You can always trust Mark Hamill to share some entertaining stories about working on Star Wars during the early days. Interestingly, Hamill's latest tale involves an "out-of-control R2-D2" and a "poor dog."

Hamill recently shared a video of himself making an appearance on a TV show with Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2. The video, which first aired at the same time as the release of The Empire Strikes Back, shows Artoo being a little too crazy for TV. You can watch the video below.

"All people see when they watch this clip is me feeding the dog, then eating from the same spoon. All I see is an out-of-control R2-D2 nearly running over that poor dog, then ramming into one of the hosts. We can't take him anywhere," Hamill wrote before adding the hashtag #R2D2Drunk4TV.

That poor dog. It appeared to be minding its own business before Artoo tried to run it over. Nevertheless, it's a lucky pup since it gets to share a spoon with Hamill.

Hamill is certainly reminiscing about the good old days when the first film was still titled Star Wars instead of A New Hope. His previous tweet celebrated the day that the movie premiered back in 1977. So in case you missed it, A New Hope turned 42 yesterday.

Although it has been a long journey for Hamill, he is currently set to return and reunite with R2-D2 later this year. The first image of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker actually shows the Jedi Master standing alongside the little droid. It's still unclear how the two will end up sharing a scene together in Episode IX but it's definitely something to look forward to this December.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20.

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