Star Wars Fans Defend Adam Driver After Getting Called Out on Twitter

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

For some reason, there's always a cancellation campaign happening over at Twitter. This time, some people decided to start a hashtag that focuses on "canceling" Star Wars sequel trilogy actor, Adam Driver.

#AdamDriverIsOverParty began trending on the popular site late Monday night. This is because some people felt that the actor is Islamaphobic for joining the armed forces shortly after the September 11 attacks.

Star Wars and Driver fans were quick to defend the actor though, sharing a previous interview he had with The New Yorker about the matter. The outlet stated that Driver joined the U.S. Marine Corps because he found himself "filled with a desire for retribution" after 9/11, but the actor wasn't necessarily sure against what or whom. Driver also pointed out in that interview that it wasn't against Muslims. "It was: We were attacked. I want to fight for my country against whoever that is."

You can check out what the actor's supporters had to say about the hashtag below:

As some people may very well know, Driver was medically discharged due to a dislocated sternum after serving around three years in the Marines. He then went into the Julliard School and the rest is history.

While some people aren't particularly convinced and are accusing him of being Islamaphobic, a lot of Americans understood where Driver was coming from.

What are your thoughts on the cancellation campaign on Driver? Tell us in the comments below!

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