Star Wars Darth Maul Voice Actor was Supposed to Appear in The Mandalorian

Darth Maul voice actor Sam Witwer was set to appear in Jon Favreau's hit live-action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding between the actor and episode director Dave Filoni cost him the part.

Witwer just recently spoke in an interview with SW Holocron to talk about The Mandalorian, and during the discussion, The Clone Wars voice actor opened up about the role that he was supposed to play in the Star Wars Disney+ series.

The man behind the voice of the former Sith Lord, Maul, had been part of a shortlist of actors set to appear in the first season of The Mandalorian. Though he was thrilled to join the series, Witwer wrongly assumed that he was included in the shortlist because of his close relationship with Filoni, the showrunner of The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Because of this misunderstanding, Witwer had been taken off the list.

"I got put on a shortlist on Mandalorian for some role and I thought maybe that was from Dave [Filoni], but then I found out it was actually from casting. Casting came up with the idea. The way they do it, I guess, is they put a bunch of people on a list and then the producers pick someone. So I relayed that to Dave, and I think it was awkward because I was saying "When I'm on the show" and this and that. But what I was actually trying to say was I actually took myself off that list because I don't want to mess with your show (Laughs). I was trying to say that. I don't want to mess with the show, nor do I want to take the risk that I'm wrong for the show and then you hire me because I'm your buddy. I was trying to say that but it came off wrong."

The conversation created an awkward moment between Filoni and Witwer. In the end, the Star Wars voice actor had been opted out of the series. It's such a shame – we would have loved to have Witwer cameo in The Mandalorian. It would have been a subtle nod to all that Witwer's done for Star Wars.

While Witwer didn't really reveal the role that he was going to play in The Mandalorian, fans may speculate that the actor was going to cameo as Darth Maul, though that would have taken the series into an entirely different direction.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian season 2 is set to premiere sometime later this year.

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