Star Wars Celebrates Black History Month by Showing Off Finn and Jannah's Costumes

It's Black History Month and many entertainment companies have decided to show off their black characters as a way to celebrate, including LucasFilm. While the Star Wars movies only have a couple of black characters, it's still good of them to acknowledge the few they have. So, to celebrate the month, LucasFilm decided to show off the costumes of Finn and Jannah from the new/Disney trilogy.

Eh, why not?

The post on Instagram does give us a nice look at their costumes, though one has to wonder why they wouldn't just show off cool scenes from the movies. Then again, they might want us to appreciate the craftsmanship put into these costumes, even if that doesn't really have anything to do with Black History Month. A for the effort I guess?

Honestly, most of my snarkiness comes from how Finn was used in The Rise of Skywalker. The character was just fine in The Force Awakens, was misused in The Last Jedi, and became a complete non-entity during The Rise of Skywalker, where all he did was shout "REY" a dozen or so times.

As for Jannah, she's a character that exists. Her background is fascinating, being in a group of former stormtroopers who ran away from The Empire but they don't do much with that. It's hinted that she might be Lando's daughter but they make that a weird cliffhanger that will likely lead to some sort of Star Wars spin-off, likely in Disney+ of all things.

Yay, Black History Month.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker should get a Blu-Ray release date sooner or later.

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