Star Wars Battlefront II: Community Calendar for August Released

August is finally here, and with it comes another community calendar for Star Wars Battlefront II. EA has just posted up the new schedule online, and disappointingly, there isn't anything said about new content.

Check it out:

While the community is already used to these double XP events, a lot of people were hoping on getting an update on that Felucia map that was teased last June. I still think we're going to get big tease this month, but I'm guessing that EA and DICE still haven't figured out the specific schedules for the drop. At least, for now, we have a rough outline of what to expect for the month.

Though there's been a lot of great updates with the Clone Wars content from new heroes, game modes, and the hyped-up droideka, a lot of people in the community are already looking for some updates in the OT and ST era.

For one, there's still a criminally low amount of new skins in the game, and the last good one we got was probably Leia's princess skin from the May the Fourth event. The good thing is, the developers are always engaging in the community, and they've assured us that they know what we want. I guess it's just a matter of time before anything can be released.

For now, you can play Star Wars Battlefront II on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

See Also: D23: Disney Teases Vader Immortal Panel with New Image

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