Solo TV Show Spinoffs Have Been Reportedly Discussed for Disney+

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Solo: A Star Wars Story might have been a box-office failure, but the film has gained a larger following over the years with fans gaining a newfound appreciation for the movie. Solo's reception resulted in a short-lived storyline so it didn't flesh out into more projects, but it's now revealed that Disney reportedly had discussions for a possible Solo spinoff series.

Cinelinx's Jordan Maison took to Twitter to reveal that a "couple" of Disney+ series focusing on various Solo characters were being developed. However, he hasn't heard any updates since the beginning of the year, which makes him uncertain if these shows are actually still being worked on or even "got beyond the ‘idea stage.'" You can check out this tweet below:

Despite its box-office performance, some fans haven't given up on hoping for a Solo sequel or a spinoff series. While Maison didn't mention which characters could have been the center of these spinoffs, considering the movie's several cliffhangers, there's the possibility of seeing a story focused on Qi'ra or Crimson Dawn. There's also Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian, for fans to learn more about his youth and how he ended up being friends with Han.

There's still a lot of Han's backstory to cover, not to mention the characters that he crossed paths with in his younger years. While writer Jon Kasdan confirmed earlier this year that there isn't a Solo sequel feature in development, a Disney+ show reads as a better option to continue Han's story or another Solo character for that matter.

Would you like to see a Solo spin-off on Disney+? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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