Ronald D. Moore Reveals New Details About Scrapped Star Wars: Underworld Series

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

George Lucas started working on his live-action series, Star Wars: Underworld, back in 2005. Unfortunately, the project never kicked off but fans were able to briefly see a part of that vision when footage from the show has surfaced earlier this year. Since then, fans were even more curious to see what the live-action series would have been. Now, a veteran TV producer, allegedly one of the writers for Underworld, shares more details about the scrapped project.

In a recent interview with Collider, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine producer Ronald D. Moore talked about his involvement with the would-be series. "I was one of several, there was a bunch of international writers they assembled," he said. "We would gather up at Skywalker Ranch once every six to eight weeks, something like that. And we would break stories together."

Moore said they wrote somewhere around 48 scripts. "The theory was George wanted to write all the scripts and get ‘em all done," he added. "And then he was gonna go off and figure out how to produce them, because he wanted to do a lot of cutting edge technological stuff with CG and virtual sets and so on." They would show Lucas the scripts they wrote, with the Star Wars creator saying those were "enough for now," but he wanted to "look into all the production things" first.

In addition, George, at that time, said the writers can "write them as big" as they want and that they could "figure it out later." Moore revealed they had no "[budget] constraints too," with the writers adding "lots of action, lots of sets, and huge set pieces" into their drafts; something "much bigger" than what is normally done for a TV show.

The show was said to be set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. "It was one long tale with episodic things that would happen," Moore added. Underworld was supposed to be "one long tale with episodic things," with episodes having certain events that tell an even "larger narrative."

Given the success of The Mandalorian, it's truly a shame that Lucas' Underworld was scrapped. This would have given the fans a chance to see another side of the galaxy far, far away.

Also Read: Star Wars: Here's How Harrison Ford Came up With Famous Response to Leia in Empire Strikes Back

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