Oshi no Ko's Latest Episode Grimly Shows the Dangers of Social Media

Oshi no Ko Social Media Akane

Oshi no Ko Social Media Akane

While the last few episodes haven’t been as hard-hitting as the premiere, Oshi no Ko Episode 6 took a dark turn as it showed the dangers of social media in a grim fashion.

Instead of being about Aqua or Ruby though, this new episode focuses on Akane Kurokawa, a new character who is part of the reality dating show that Aqua also stars in.

Spoiler Warning: There are Oshi no Ko Episode 6 spoilers in this article.

Akane Kurokawa’s Horrible Social Media Experience

oshi no ko anime akane
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As shown in the latest Oshi no Ko episode’s opening scenes, Akane is a dedicated actress, though her talents are not a great fit for a reality show. Because of this, Akane barely gets any screen time.

Pressured by the expectations of her agency, Akane makes a big move over the show’s star Yuki Sumi, though she inadvertently scratches her face.

While the two quickly patched things up, that wasn’t the case for viewers as a serious amount of hate and vile comments online were directed toward Akane.

Instead of ignoring the comments though, Akane reads most of them as she tends to take things seriously. Sadly, this has negative consequences as she falls into a state of depression.

At one point, she goes out during a typhoon to get food, but because of her mental state, she tries to jump off a bridge into a highway.

Thankfully, Aqua Hoshino arrives in the nick of time to save her. And then the episode ends.

RELATED: Oshi no Ko: The Real-life Event that May Have Inspired Akane's Story

oshi no ko episode 6 akane
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From the premiere alone, Oshi no Ko is considered by many to be a dark and grim show, though the past few episodes have been much lighter affairs.

Though this episode caught many by surprise and left them in a state of shock, especially given how realistic the depiction of online hate is.

Many fans praised how the episode was directed thanks to the powerful visual imagery and sound design.

Somewhat ironically, Akane trended on Twitter in real life following the episode which reflects what happened in the episode, albeit for different reasons.

While the ending didn’t end in a major cliffhanger, many still have questions about how Aqua was able to find and save her at just the right time.

Fans will have to wait a bit longer though as this will be answered in Oshi no Ko Episode 7 which will be released next week.

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