Who Does Zoro End Up With in One Piece?

Who Does Zoro End Up With in One Piece?
Credit: Toei Animation

Who Does Zoro End Up With in One Piece?
Credit: Toei Animation

Following the premiere of the One Piece live-action, viewers can’t keep their mouths shut about Zoro, especially his actor, Mackenyu Maeda. But since Mackenyu’s already married, viewers are now wondering about the status of Luffy’s right-hand man. So, who does Zoro end up with in One Piece?

Roronoa Zoro is the first member of Luffy’s pirate crew. They both met each other in Shells Town, where they brought down Axe-Hand Morgan, a corrupt and ruthless marine captain.

Since then, Zoro has vowed to follow Luffy on his journey, all the while achieving his own goal of becoming the greatest swordsman in the world!

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Who Are Zoro’s Love Interests in One Piece?

Who Are Zoro’s Love Interests in One Piece?
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Credit: Netflix

There are many female characters in the world of One Piece, but Roronoa Zoro’s heart is not one to be easily swayed by women, regardless of their looks, powers, personalities, or even swordsmanship.

Unlike Sanji, Zoro doesn’t warm up to women easily. He always has his guard up, and he knows that he needs to be careful around them. He’s not one to trust easily, and it will take time for someone to earn his trust completely.

But this doesn’t mean that Zoro has never been close to women. In fact, Zoro is pretty close to the female members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami and Robin.

Zoro also protected Nefertari Vivi during her time on the ship in the Alabasta Arc of the manga series.

Originally, Zoro looked up to Shimotsuki Kuina, the one girl he could never defeat when he was young and impulsive.

He even made a promise to Kuina that one of them would become the greatest swordsman in the world, no matter what happened.

But since Kuina died at such a young age, Zoro carried all of Kuina’s dreams on his shoulders to honor their promise.

In Loguetown, Zoro encounters Tashigi, a marine officer under Smoker’s command who resembles Kuina.

This becomes a problem for Zoro, who can’t seem to deal with Tashigi, which is why he always runs away whenever Tashigi chases him around.

Fast forward to Wano, Zoro had some intimate moments with Kozuki Oden’s daughter and Kozuki Momonosuke’s younger sister, Kozuki Hiyori.

Does Zoro End Up With Vivi?

Does Zoro End Up With Vivi?
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Credit: Toei Animation

No, Zoro did not end up with Vivi in One Piece. They shared a lot of moments together in the Arabasta Arc with the Straw Hat Pirates, but that’s about it.

Their camaraderie did not extend to something more romantic, but even so, they both respected each other’s abilities.

In fact, Zoro has a lot of confidence in Vivi’s abilities to protect herself following her disappearance.

He was the first one to remind the Straw Hat Pirates of how strong Vivi is, so they need not worry about her situation that much.

On the other hand, Vivi also looks up to Zoro’s skills as a swordsman. She even refers to Zoro as Mr. Bushido and is always impressed by how easily Zoro can defeat multiple opponents in a single attack.

Does Zoro End Up With Tashigi?

Does Zoro End Up With Tashigi?
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Credit: Toei Animation

One of the most interesting relationships Zoro had in One Piece was with Tashigi. They exist in different worlds, as Zoro is a dangerous pirate that Tashigi, a marine officer, has to capture at all costs.

Despite this, the two of them seem to have a soft spot for each other, especially Zoro, who always saves Tashigi whenever she gets into serious trouble.

For instance, Zoro saved Tashigi from Monet and even carried her on his shoulders to avoid her inhaling poison gas.

As stated above, Tashigi has an uncanny resemblance to Zoro’s childhood friend Kuina.

As a result, Zoro can’t take Tashigi seriously because of her appearance. But during the Punk Hazard Arc, Zoro eventually gets used to Tashigi.

Does Zoro End Up With Hiyori?

Does Zoro End Up With Hiyori?
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Credit: Toei Animation

Out of all the women mentioned in this article, Kozuki Hiyori has the highest chance of ending up with Zoro in One Piece.

During the Wano Country Arc, Zoro and Hiyori got close, and the two shared a lot of intimate moments, which is incredibly surprising for a man like Zoro. Who would have thought that Zoro would warm up to Hiyori so easily?

Zoro even risked his life to keep Hiyori safe from Kamazo, also known as the Massacre Soldier Killer. With this, Zoro earned Hiyori’s trust and respect, even going so far as to offer her only heirloom from Kozuki Oden, the Enma.

Moreover, Zoro also showed concern for Hiyori’s well-being after learning what happened to her 20 years ago. Hiyori also feels comfortable with Zoro being by her side, as she was able to sleep and cry on his chest!

Does Zoro End Up With Robin?

Does Zoro End Up With Robin?
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Credit: Toei Animation

No, Zoro did not end up with Robin in One Piece at the time of writing. They are both members of Luffy’s crew, and they have high regard for each other’s skills and abilities.

Even Zoro respects Robin’s intellect and will always come to her for things he doesn’t seem to understand that much.

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Zoro and Robin had a rocky start following the Arabasta arc. Of course, Zoro had his doubts about Robin, who previously antagonized their crew, but this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t recognize her as a member of the crew.

But as the protective guy he is, Zoro does not warm up to Robin easily. To cut the story short, following the Enies Lobby Arc, Zoro finally accepted Robin as a friend and a crew member.

Since then, the two have always watched each other’s backs. And because they share the same personality, they get along really well.

Does Zoro End Up With Nami?

Does Zoro End Up With Nami?
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Credit: Toei Animation

Too bad Zoro has yet to end up with Nami in One Piece. But if they do end up together, Sanji will really kick Zoro in his behind and go on a massive rampage!

After all, we know how much Sanji loves Nami and how much he hates Zoro’s guts.

Nonetheless, Zoro and Nami get along really well in One Piece, despite their usual banter and bickering.

They were the first members of Luffy’s crew, and they have been through a lot, even before Usopp, Sanji, and the rest of the crew joined.

Nami would always annoy Zoro with her shady money-making schemes, and vice versa because of Zoro’s excessive sleeping.

They provide comic relief for the crew, but in serious situations, Zoro and Nami always have each other’s backs.

So, Who Does Zoro End Up With in One Piece?

Who Does Zoro End Up With in One Piece?
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Credit: Toei Animation

At the moment, Roronoa Zoro is still single in One Piece. He doesn’t have eyes for anyone, even after meeting so many beautiful women in the series.

He is focused on his goal, and catching a girl’s heart at this point in time is not his priority.

One Piece primarily focuses on adventure, friendship, and the pursuit of the characters’ dreams rather than their individual romantic relationships.

Hence, it will not come as a surprise if Zoro does not end up with anyone, just like the other characters in One Piece.

In some interviews, Eiichiro Oda also confirms that he’s focused on the adventure and world-building aspects of One Piece rather than diving into the characters’ love lives.

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